
Showing posts from October, 2019

118 The famous personalities of India

Q.1- Who is the chairman and managing director of Nestle India Limited - the maker of Maggi,             Nescafe, Kitkat, and Munch? Q.2- Who is the founder of New York-based StrawberryFrog  'A global cultural movement firm?' Q.3- Who developed a prototype of Green Fiber [the world's first paper beer] bottle? Q.4- Who is the Microsoft co-founder and the world's richest person? Q.5- Which is the world's most-watched live broadcast? Ans-------------- 1=Suresh Narayanan 2= Scott Goodson 3=Danish beer giant  Carisberg 4=Bill Gates 5='Rumble in the Jungle' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.1-The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 2. on board which is the first living creature to be shot         into space to orbit Earth? Q.2- Who is the Wipro chairman? Q.3- Who is Amazon's founder? Q.4-Who is the CEO, of Hyatt Hotels? Q.5- Who is the flywire CEO? Q.6-Which is the UNESC

117 पेंडुलम [ एक लघु कथा ]

यह उन दिनों की बात है जब गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में हम अक्सर ननिहाल जाया करते थे i नाना जी के घर बहुत पुराना ,सुंदर सा घड़ियाल दीवार पर टिक -टिक  करता रहता था जो अक्सर  मेरा ध्यान  अपनी  ओर आकर्षित करता था  i  इसकी सुन्दरता  तो मुझे आकर्षित करती ही थी , इसके द्वारा इंगित किया हुआ समय मुझे गहरी सोच की दुनिया में ले जाता था   - अरे  टिक-टिक करता हुआ  पेंडुलम  अभी तो 2 बजा रहा था ,देखते ही देखते 4 बज गए i बड़ी जल्दी समय को घुमाता है यह  i यह  समय ठहर ही  नहीं रहा है  i देखो तो  कितनी जल्दी-जल्दी बदल रहा है i              ओह i हम भी तो ऐसे ही हैं i अभी तो खाना खाने को मन था अभी चाट खाने को मन हो आया i  थोड़ी देर पहले बाज़ार जाने को मन था ,अब नहीं है i  हमारा दिल और दिमाग़,  हमारे वचन और हमारे इरादे, "मैंने पेंडुलम की ओर देखा" अरे हाँ, ऐसे ही तो हैं  i कभी टिक कर  नहीं रहते  i  पेंडुलम की तरह  इधर से इधर हिलोरें लेते रहते  हैं i कभी दाईं ओर, कभी बाईं ओर i मित्र, सम्बन्धी यहाँ तक कि अपने घर व समाज के सभी वर्ग ऐसे ही दिखते हैं i                                             इस दुनिय

116 हिन्दू कैलेण्डर के महीनों को याद करने की विधि

हिन्दू-कैलेण्डर के महीने  याद  करने की सरल विधि  - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------             [कविता ]  नं.  1   चैत्र, वैशाख,  ज्येष्ठ, आषाढ़  मास प्र्थम भारत के चार  खिलती  है इनमें   "प्रकृति  " अपार श्रावण, भाद्रपद,  आश्विन, कार्तिक  अति  स्वास्तिक  ये अगले  चार मार्गशीष,  माघ ,पौष , फाल्गुन  भरपूर हैं   इनमें    ऊर्जा  के सब गुण सूर्य- गति  से  बनते   ये    मास   जीवन  को मिलती   इनसे   सांस ii                                                          लेखिका-निरुपमा                                                         स्वास्तिक [कल्याणकारी ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- हिन्दू कैलेंडर के अनुसार नया साल  चैत्र् मास के  नवरात्रों  से  शुरु  होता है और फाल्गुन की फुहार के सा

115 राष्ट्रीय एकता [ कविता ]

अलग है  वेशभूषा,अलग है भाषा रीतियाँ हैं अलग-अलग अलग हैं जाति,अलग हैं धर्म पर कोई  बात   विशेष है एक   समान बोलो  क्या है उसका नाम ? ' एकता'  है नाम  इसका भारत की  पावन  धरती  पर  जो   उपजती   एक समान विचार भले ही विभिन्न हमारे सम्भाले  है यही  हर  दिल की  कमान अलग पहनावा, अलग है खाना अलग  तरीका ,अलग त्यौहार शुभकामनाएँ देते दिखते आनन्द से  करते  लोग  विहार  मिल जाते हैं हर धर्म के बंधू  गुरुद्वारों, मन्दिरों,मजारों  में  करते  दिखते राम-राम  और दुआ,सलाम   गली -कूचे बाज़ारों में सब को जोड़ के रखती है ऐसी है भारत की [सभ्यता] सिंधू सबकी सेवा में गढ़ जाता सेवा-भाव का प्यारा तम्बू मदर टेरेसा,सिन्धु ताई कर्मवीरों की कमी नहीं है खुदा जानता अस्पतालों में पूछा  कभी भी धर्म  नहीं सुख-दुःख के सब सांझी हो जाते जो बन पाता वो सब करते  लगता है  मेरा देश है  ख़ुदा का घर  जहाँ  धर्म भूल सब एक  हो  जाते पुजारी,ग्रन्थी व धर्म गुरु पहुँचा दो  सब को तुम संदेश अपने ईश्,गुरु ,अल्लाह के पालो तुम सब  पावन  निर्देश पशु-पक्षी कीट-मकौड़े सब में ईश्वर का वास है

114 G.k.

   Q.1- Who created the first web browser and web server along with hypertext protocol?    Q.2.- Where was the first website located?       Q.3-  What was the first hyperlinked word on that page?       Q.4-  Who is the chief architect of Google Chrome?        Q.5- Who are the founders of Google Chrome?        Q.6- Who is the CEO of Google come?        Q.7- When was founded?        Q.8- What is its parent organization?        Q.9- When was WhatsApp founded?        Q.10- Who were its founders?        Q.11- What is its parent organization? Ans----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1= Tim Berners Lee 2= At project.html. 3= Hypermedia 4=  The   Chrome   project was started by Linus Upson, who was the manager of   Google's   team of Firefox contributors at the time. The original multiprocess architecture of   Chrome   was implemented by Darin Fisher & others. 5= Larry Page and Sergey  Brin 6=   S

113. English Game 14 [ vocabulary beyond classroom ]

1-Pat likes pots and pans, but not bowls.     She likes straw but not hay;     She likes sagas, but not poems     What does Pat like,- a star or a planet? Ans- A star { Pat only likes words that are backward, spell other words } 2- What have these words in common ?-Dimension, grandiose, remarkable, Descent, material, resounded.                                                       Ans- They all carry coins within the words.  1]Dime-US   2] Rand-S.Africa     3] Mark-Deutsche mark Germany      4]Cent-US       5]Rial-Iran      6]Sou-France 3- How many S's are there in the name of the longest river in the world? Ans- None, because the longest rivers are the Nile and Amazon. 4-.What starts with an'e' ends with an 'e' and usually contains only one letter. Ans- Envelope 5-Find a four-letter word that can fill in the dashes to make three common English words or phrases:----OISE, CON----, RE----ED Ans- TORT+OISE,          CON+TORT,           RE+TORT+ED 6-There is one

112. Sulaimani Chai

Q.1-In Arabic, what does Sulaiman  mean ? Q.2-In India which is the place where sulaimani chai's 51 varieties are sold ? Q.3-What are the ingridients of this beverage ? Q.4-What thing makes it different from other teas? Q5.-What is ghava ? Q.6- In which utensil it is served ? Q.7-How is it prepared ? Q.8-Which is the most popular variety of sulaimani chai ? ans------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1='man of peace' 2=Kozhikode at Malabar coast 3=Tea powder,sugar and lemon,sometimes a hint of cardamom 4=It is made without milk 5=Ghava is a drinking beverage made with dates and black pepper. It is believed that Prophet Mohammed used to enjoy it.Later the beverage is brought to the southern Malabar coast by Arab traders.Here it was called Sulaimani-in Arabic. Here  dates were replaced  with  sugar. 6=It is served in tiny glasses with cardamom, occasionally with a few strands of saffron,always with lemo

111 Baba Saheb Ambedkar

Born:  14th April 1891 Birthplace:  Mhow in Madhya Pradesh Qualification:  earned a Doctorate in Economics from Columbia University. Designation: Was Law and Justice Minster in the first cabinet of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Contribution: Headed the committee drafting the Indian Constitution. Q.1 How many languages did he know? Ans- Nine [9] languages. Q.2 Which of his books played a major role in the creation of the Reserve Bank of India? Ans - Dr. Ambedkar was an avid reader. He amassed a massive library and read extensively. His book " The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and its Solution," played a major role in the creation of RBI. Q.3 When did Dr. Ambedkar start his political career? Ans- Dr. Ambedkar was the first Law and Justice Minister of Independent India. He served in the first Nehru ministry during 1947-52. Q.4 Which agreement gave  Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes   reserved seats for the depressed classes in the Provisional legislatures within the general

110 Bal Gangadhar Tilak ,23rd July {1856-1920}

Tilak- The first leader of the Independence Movement, whom the British colonial  Authorities used to call 'The  Father of the Indian Unrest'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.1-Who was Bal Gangadhar Tilak ? Ans=Bal Gangadhar Tilak was  an Indian radical Nationalist. He is said to be  one of  the first and strongest advocates of "Swaraj rule." He is known for his Marathi quote,  "Swarajya is my birthright and I shall have it!".        He formed a close alliance with many Indian National Congress leaders including   Bipin Chandra Pal ,   Lala Lajpat Rai ,   Aurobindo Ghose ,   V. O. Chidambaram Pillai ,   and   Muhammad Ali Jinnah . He was called " the Father of Indian Unrest" by the British author Sir Valentine Chirol. Q.2-Where was he born? Ans- He was born on 23rd July 1856. Q.3- What was his real name and what does his title suggest?  Ans- Keshav Gangadhar Tilak. His title  'Lokmanya' sugg

109 Bipin Chandra Pal,7th Nov { 1858-1932}

. 1 Who was Bipin Chandra Pal? Ans- Bipin Chandra Pal  was one-third of the   Lal Bal   Pal   triumvirate.  He  was one of the main architects of the   Swadeshi movement . He stood against the   partition of Bengal   by the colonial British government. Q.2 When was he born? Ans- He was born on 7th November1858 at Habiganj, Sylhet  district of present-day Bangladesh. Q.3 He is best known as--------? Ans-   Father of Revolutionary Thoughts.          Sri Aurobindo referred to him as one of the mightiest prophets of nationalism. Q.4 What was his profession? Ans-  He was an Indian journalist. Q.5 His son was the founder of Bombay Talkies. what was his name? Ans-  -Niranjan Pal Q.6 In which session of the Indian National Congress, he made a strong peal for repeal of the Arms Act? Ans- At Madras session,1887 Q.7 Which are the newspapers, he worked for? Ans- Bengal Public Opinion,          New India,          The Tribune   Q.8 In which movements, did he participate? Ans- He partic

108 Lala Lajpat Rai, 28th Jan {1906-1918 }

    Bal-    Bal  Gangadhar Tilak from Maharashtra  Pal-     Bipin Chandra Pal from Bengal  Lal-     Lala Lajpat Rai from Panjab All three were freedom fighters before Mahatma Gandhi joined politics. They stood for swaraj and protested against British goods to promote self-reliance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                           Let us know about  Lala Lajpat  Rai----------- Q.1- When was Lala Lajpat Rai born? Ans- He was born on 28th January 1865 to the Late Shree Munshi Azad. Q.2-Which Indian bank was started by him? Ans-  Panjab National Bank. He started in 1895 Q.3- What was his contribution to the United States Of  America? Ans- He founded the Indian Home Rule League of America in the United States Of America. Q.4- Which title did he earn due to his braveness? Ans- The Lion Of Panjab/ Panjab Kesari Q5-.Which newspaper was founded by Bal Gangadhar Tilak to voice his r