[87] Freedom Movement Activities

Q:1- How did the freedom movement start? Ans- The sepoys in East India Company were disillusioned by their low salaries and racial discrimination in matters of promotions and privileges. On May10,1857, the sepoys at Meerut broke rank, turned on their commanding officers, and killed some of them. They set the company's Toll House on fire, marched into Red Fort, and asked Bahadur Shah II to become their leader. Q: 2-The first revolutionary movement emerged from? Ans- From present-day West Bengal Q: 3-Who proposed the self-rule? Ans- Bal, Pal, Lal, Aurobindo, V.O.Chidambaram Pillai Q:-4- When was the Swadeshi Movement proclaimed? Ans- The Swadeshi Movement was proclaimed on August7,1905 at the Calcutta Town Hall. This Movement included the usage of Indian-made goods now known as "Make in India...