[87] Freedom Movement Activities
Q:1- How did the freedom movement start?
Ans- The sepoys in East India Company were disillusioned by
their low salaries and racial discrimination in matters of
promotions and privileges. On May10,1857, the sepoys at
Meerut broke rank, turned on their commanding officers, and
killed some of them. They set the company's Toll House on fire,
marched into Red Fort, and asked Bahadur Shah II to
become their leader.
Q: 2-The first revolutionary movement emerged from?
Ans- From present-day West Bengal
Q: 3-Who proposed the self-rule?
Ans- Bal, Pal, Lal, Aurobindo, V.O.Chidambaram Pillai
Q:-4- When was the Swadeshi Movement proclaimed?
Ans- The Swadeshi Movement was proclaimed on August7,1905
at the Calcutta Town Hall. This Movement included the usage of Indian-made goods now known as "Make in India."
Q: 5- When was Poorna Swaraj declared?
Ans- On 26th Jan.1930
Q: 6- Who announced the partition of India on June 3, 1947?
Ans- Lord Mountbatten, the Viceroy of India.
Q: 7- When was the Quit India Movement launched?
Ans- On 8th August, 1942.
Q; 8- The Quit India Movement was launched at the
Calcutta Session or the Bombay Session?
Ans- At Bombay session after World War II.
Q: 9- What was its slogan?
Ans- "Do or Die."
Q: 10- What was the Rowlatt Act 1919?
Ans- The Rowlatt Act was imposed by the Britishers to
restrict freedom of expression. According to it,
any person could be detained based on suspicion
without a warrant and without trial for a maximum of two years.
Q: 11- What was the Non-Cooperation Movement?
Ans- The non-cooperation Movement was launched by M.Gandhi on August 1,1920 with the aim of self-governance and
attaining complete independence immediately after
Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
Q: 12- What was chaura-chauri incident ? What was the reason behind it?
Ans- The Chaura Chauri incident occurred at Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur district {U.P }on Feb 5,1922 when a large group
of protesters participating in the Non-cooperation
movement clashed with police and set fire to a police station.
Reason: it was a protest against high food prices
and liquor sales at Gauri Bazaar. The demonstrators were beaten up
by the local inspector Gupteshwar Singh and other police officers. Several of the leaders were put in the lock-up at the Chaura-Chauri police station.
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