108 Lala Lajpat Rai, 28th Jan {1906-1918 }

Image result for bal pal lal
Bal-    Bal  Gangadhar Tilak from Maharashtra
 Pal-     Bipin Chandra Pal from Bengal
 Lal-     Lala Lajpat Rai from Panjab

All three were freedom fighters before Mahatma Gandhi joined politics. They stood for swaraj and protested against British goods to promote self-reliance.
                          Let us know about  Lala Lajpat  Rai-----------

Q.1- When was Lala Lajpat Rai born?
Ans-He was born on 28th January 1865 to the Late Shree Munshi Azad.

Q.2-Which Indian bank was started by him?
Ans- Panjab National Bank. He started in 1895

Q.3- What was his contribution to the United States Of  America?
Ans-He founded the Indian Home Rule League of America in the United States Of America.

Q.4- Which title did he earn due to his braveness?
Ans-The Lion Of Panjab/ Panjab Kesari

Q5-.Which newspaper was founded by Bal Gangadhar Tilak to voice his radical views?
Ans- Kesari

Q.6- When did he join the Indian National Congress?
Ans- In 1890

Q.7-In which year he presided over a session of Congress in Calcutta?
Ans-In 1920

Q.8-In which movements did he participate in in 1920?
Ans- " Non-co-operation movement."
         He also opposed the Rowlatt  Act because it allowed British officials to arrest Indians based 
on suspicion without any evidence. He mobilized Indians against the Bengal Partition.

Q.9- Who was the British police superintendent who ordered Lathi charge and personally assaulted Rai?
Ans-James A.Scott.

Q10- Why was Rai lathi-charged?
Ans- In  1928, the British Govt. set up the commission headed by Sir John Simon, to report on the political situation in India, but it did not include a single Indian in its membership.
                             When the Commission visited Lahore on 30th October,1928,
Rai led a non-violent march in protest against it. He gave the slogan," Simon go back" and showed the black flags. At this, James ordered a lathi charge. Rai 
lost his life.

Q.11- Which prominent martyr vowed to take revenge on James Scott?
Ans-    Bhagat Singh.
               He joined Rajguru and Sukhdev to kill Scott to send a message to the British Raj.

               Quotes of Lala Lajpat Rai

"The Government which attacks its own innocent subjects has no claim to be called a civilized government. Bear in mind, that such a government does not survive long. I declare that the blows struck at me will be the last nails in the coffin of the British rule in India. "Under the Shadow of Gallows"


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