{50 } Discoveries
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1: paper ---------------- Ts ai Lun {AD 105}
2: Printing press [pg]----------- Gutenberg
3 Personal Computer [pcibm]--------- IBM
4: Telephone [tab]------------- Alexander Bell
5: Aeroplane [awb]------------ The Wright Brothers
6: Television [tjb]------------- John Baird
7: Washing Machine[wmhmco]---------- Hurley Machine Co.
8: Ball point pen[bpplgb]----------- Lazlo & George Biro
9: Bicycle[bs]----------- Sauerbronn {AD 1816}
10:Vaccum Cleaner[vchcb]--------- Henry Cicil Booth
11: Microwave Oven[moplbs]--------- Percy Le Baron Spencer
12: Stainless Steel [sshb] ----------- Harry Brearley
13: Compact Disk[cd{ph}s]--------- Philips and Sony
14: Neon Light [nlgc]------------- George Claude
15: Radio[rgm]----------- Gugliolmo Macroni
16: Telegraph[tsm]----------- Samuel Morse
17: Thermometer{th}g]------------ Galileo

1: paper ---------------- Ts ai Lun {AD 105}
2: Printing press [pg]----------- Gutenberg
3 Personal Computer [pcibm]--------- IBM
4: Telephone [tab]------------- Alexander Bell
5: Aeroplane [awb]------------ The Wright Brothers
6: Television [tjb]------------- John Baird
7: Washing Machine[wmhmco]---------- Hurley Machine Co.
8: Ball point pen[bpplgb]----------- Lazlo & George Biro
9: Bicycle[bs]----------- Sauerbronn {AD 1816}
10:Vaccum Cleaner[vchcb]--------- Henry Cicil Booth
11: Microwave Oven[moplbs]--------- Percy Le Baron Spencer
12: Stainless Steel [sshb] ----------- Harry Brearley
13: Compact Disk[cd{ph}s]--------- Philips and Sony
14: Neon Light [nlgc]------------- George Claude
15: Radio[rgm]----------- Gugliolmo Macroni
16: Telegraph[tsm]----------- Samuel Morse
17: Thermometer{th}g]------------ Galileo
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