1: Violet------refers to shyness
Sentence--She is shrinking violet.
2: Indigo-----refers to determination
S-----------The solid indigo of his intention shocked her.
3: Blue------refers to depression
S---------He is feeling blue.
4: Green-----refers to jealousy
S-----------He is green with jealousy.
5: Yellow----refers to fright
S----------She is so timid that a rat turns her yellow.
6: Pink------refers to good health
S---------I am in pink of my health.
7: Purple Patch-refers to good luck or period of success
S---------------This is,I think, a purple patch in my life.
8: White---------refers to honesty
S--------------She is whiter than white.
9: Red--------------refers to anger
S-----------------Over petty issues,she becomes red.
10: Black-----------refers to very depressing
S----------------Black days never last long, so have courage.
1: Violet------refers to shyness
Sentence--She is shrinking violet.
2: Indigo-----refers to determination
S-----------The solid indigo of his intention shocked her.
3: Blue------refers to depression
S---------He is feeling blue.
4: Green-----refers to jealousy
S-----------He is green with jealousy.
5: Yellow----refers to fright
S----------She is so timid that a rat turns her yellow.
6: Pink------refers to good health
S---------I am in pink of my health.
7: Purple Patch-refers to good luck or period of success
S---------------This is,I think, a purple patch in my life.
8: White---------refers to honesty
S--------------She is whiter than white.
9: Red--------------refers to anger
S-----------------Over petty issues,she becomes red.
10: Black-----------refers to very depressing
S----------------Black days never last long, so have courage.
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