
Showing posts from September, 2017

{10} RAVNA -a quiz

  Different stories  are there to unravel this mystery----------                                                              1- RAVNA  chopped off his head 10 times as a sacrifice to appease Lord Brahma.Each time he sliced his head off,a new head arose. 2-RAVNA  was most intelligent person of his time.He had knowledge of six shastras and four Vedas. 3- RAVNA had ten negative feelings which led to his destruction.--------- 1-Ego or Ahankara 2-Attachment or Moha 3-Loving Perfect Self that led to regret. 4-Anger 5-Loving Past that led to hatred. 6-Loving Future that led to fear. 7-Loving to be best that led to jealousy 8-Greed or Lobha. 9-Lust or kama. 10-Loving fame and money. Sanskrit word literally translates "Dashanan"dasha hanan"means the "removal of ten bad qualities."...

{9} रामचरितमानस से सीखें ज्ञान की बातें –

१-सुनु जननी सोई सुतु बड़भागी i जो पितुमातु वचन अनुरागी ii                                                                    तनय मातु पितु तोषनिहारा i दुर्लभ जननि सकल संसारा ii                                                                      अर्थात्- हे माता ! सुनो,वही पुत्र बड़भागी है,जो पिता-माता के वचनों का पालन करते हैं i ऐसा आज्ञा-पालक पुत्र  इस संसार  में दुर्लभ है i                                                                        ...


-Full Name-Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 1-Date of Birth===Oct2,1869 2-Place-===Porbandar   known as  Sudamapuri in Gujrat 3-Education-===Studied Law at Inner Temple, London 4-Profession-====Barrister 5-Guru-======Gopalkrishan Gokhale 6-Favourite plays that deeply inspired him-{Harishchandra}{Shravan Kumar Pitribhakti} 7-Holi Book  Gandhiji sought moral guidance from====Bhagvadgita 8-Shared a philosophy of non-violence with?  Ans- Tolstoy 9-Spiritual Jain friend, who inspired Gandhiji to be non-violent?  Ans-    Raychandra Jain. 10-A fellow prisoner in Yerwara Jail who insisted Gandhiji to write his autobiography?  Ans-     Jeramdas 11-Reason he did not practice in  India?  Ans--Lack of knowledge of Indian Law 12-What made him practice in South Africa? Ans-A call from a South African firm Dada Abdulla and Co. 13-What transformed his fight against racial discrimina...

{7} भारत की शान- स्वच्छता अभियान{कविता}

   विशाल देश के  वासी हो,क्यूँ हो फिर घर तक सीमित मान-सम्मान है तुम्हारा,  जान  लो इस की शान में निहित  घर में रहती रोज़ सफाई,देश का आँगन क्यूँ है विहित जाने दिलों में कब तक होंगे एक ईश के मंदिर-मस्जिद   पार्क शरीर के फेफड़े मानो,हर गली है सांस की नाली स्वच्छता रखनी होगी चहूँ ओर,गर रोग की पीड़ा न हो सहनी गंदगी होगी गर बाहर ,मोहल्ला-मोहल्ला,सड़क-सड़क वही लौट कर गला पकड़ती,न सुनती है किसी को आहट   रुपया-पैसा,सुख-चैन सब लूट ले जाती है ये  भूल राजा-रंक,गरीब-अमीर, सब का पी जाती है खून चीख-पुकार से अस्पताल हैं भरते,ईष्ट-देवों के घंटे बजते अपराध हुआ जब अपने हाथों,ईश्वर भी न तब सुनते ii  रुपया-पैसा गया तो गया,मान-सम्मान भी चला गया सोने जैसे देश को अपने, कूड़े में कैसे रोल दिया ii   कितने स्वच्छ हैं बाहरी देश,कहने में कुछ हिचक करो  खुद गंदा करके तुम, देश को न बदनाम करो ii   ऋषियों की धरती है यह ,“राम “ के पग से पावन हुई  खींच लाई थी जग-पालक को,“शबरी” द्वारा यही सफ़ाई i  ...

{6} GOLDEN words OF GANDHIji

 *When  I believe “I can” then   I acquire the ability to do it even if I don't have it in the beginning. *In a gentle way, you can shake the world. *If you want something  to be done, the best thing is to," begin it and do it anyway” *Truth stands, even if there is no public support. It is self-sustained. * "Confession of errors" is like a broom, which sweeps away the surface and leaves the surface brighter and clearer. *An eye for an eye ends up only making the whole world blind.


   A Prime Minister who coined one of the most famous slogans, ' Jai Jawan, Jai  Kisan',    at a Delhi rally. The slogan was made to signify the importance of farmers and soldiers in nurturing and protecting the country.  In 1967,  director-actor  Manoj   Kumar translated the essence of the slogan into blockbuster film, Upkar. Date of birth: 0ct2,1904 Father”s Name:Sharada Prasad Shrivastv Mother”s Name:   Ram Dulari Devi Birth Place:  Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri was born on October 2, 1904, at  Mughalsarai, a small railway town seven miles from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh . Q.1- Who was Lal Bahadur Shastri ? Ans- India's second Prime Minister. Q.2-For how long he served India as Prime Minister. Ans- For 19 months [1yr, 7 months] He became Prime Minister after Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru's death [1964]. Q3- What was Shastri's childhood name? Ans- Nanhe or little one Q4- What was Shastri's nickname? ...