221. Animal kingdom Quora
Animals never hear the clock strike,
they die without any idea of death,
they have no theologians to instruct them
their funeral cost them nothing,
no one lawsuits over their wills.
Ans- Cat
1. Which animal mimics the voices of other animals to approach its prey?
Ans- Tiger
2-Which insects don’t have lungs?
They breathe in oxygen through spiracles which are a series of holes located on the sides of their bodies. The spiracles are connected through a
network of tubes that help distribute oxygen to every cell in the body.
3. Name the smallest and world’s tallest crane species.
Ans- The demoiselle Crane is the smallest crane species.
The Sarus Crane is the tallest crane species. These are the heaviest who fly with their necks out-stretched.
4. Name a great bird on this Earth that can fly.
Ans- Konk Ora
5. Which is the largest member of the deer family, weighs over 820kg and reaches up to over 7 feet at the shoulder?
Ans- Moose
6. Why do the dogs curl up into a ball?
Ans- When sleeping, dogs curl up into a ball to protect their vital organs and stay warm. A basic instinct left over from their wild days.
7. Why do the polar bears have white fur?
Ans- Polar bears have white fur so that they can camouflage [ makes it difficult to be spotted] into their environment.
However, the polar bear's coat has no white pigment. Under their white fur, their skin is black and their hairs are hollow. They have a thick layer of body fat, which keeps them warm while swimming, and a double-layered coat that insulates them from the cold Arctic Air.
8. Why do the dogs curl up in a ball?
Ans- The dogs curl up in a ball while sleeping to protect their vital organs and stay warm.
9. Which bird species have two toes on each foot?
Ans- Ostriches.
The two-toed structure in ostriches is suited for running. The larger surface area of these toes also aids in agility, stability, and grip, all of which are essential for invasion of predators.
A Game
In each sentence, an animal is concealed. Find them all.
1. people who drive fast are likely to be arrested.
Ans- Bear
2. Did I ever tell you, Bill, I once found a dollar?
Ans- Lion
3. John came late to his Arithmetic class.
Ans- Camel
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