181. - Grass is Green Everywhere [ a story ]
We often believe that we alone have been singled out to experience one challenge after another. We bemoan the cards we have been dealt and seek to improve our circumstances, often wishing to walk in someone else's shoes. It is important to realize that we live in God's Creation, and, as such, everything happens to us under God's will. He knows our past, present, and future and whatever phase we are passing through is the best state for us.
Once there was a washerman who had a donkey to carry the loads of clothes and a dog to keep watch at night. One day both made each other's duty easier. The donkey said to the dog, ”You are lucky. You don't have to carry loads of clothes. You enjoy sound sleep the whole day. I agree that you have to be alert the whole night, yet it”s a rare chance when some mis -happening happens. The dog said:” What do you do? simply carry the load of clothes to the river and while the master washes the clothes, you sleep. Then you come back home, carrying the washed clothes, and rest again. But I have to be vigilant all the time.”
So the two animals decided to swap duties. That night the donkey sat up to guard its master's possessions. A thief tried to sneak into the house, and the donkey brayed loudly to warn its master. The washerman, woken from sleep, scolded the donkey for disturbing him. The dog, meanwhile, slept peacefully, while the thief made away with what he had stolen. The next morning, the washerman discovered the theft and scolded the dog for being a useless guard. Thus the animals learned that each job comes with responsibilities and difficulties.
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