{70 } Govern the clock, not be governed by it.- A short speech

Getting out of bed in the morning can be tough for many of us. And when you hit the ground running,

 it can start your day on a stressful note. Make it a point to set your alarm a little early and  not hit the

snooze button. punctuality is the first sign of discipline. Being punctual with your own schedule will

make your day a lot easier and let you   enjoy the little things, like relaxing and having a cup of tea,

 reading the newspaper. you will feel like you have a little personal time too. You have the luxury of

spending a few minutes organizing your day peacefully and with a clear head. You do not have to

think of any kind of excuse. You can be on time to work. Being punctual can actually make you have

 a better bond with your teacher and peers too. it boosts your courage, makes you confident, and also

 cheerful. So be punctual and get your clock in your priority.
REMEMBER-  An Early bird can deal with the perks of being on time.


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