{68} Genius Platanista- the river Dolphins
QI: Do Asia's river dolphins have eyes?
Q2: How do they catch their prey?
Q3: What distance, they can see a finger-sized fish from?
Q4: At the surface of the river, what method do they use to catch a fish?
Q5: How do they catch their prey at the middle depths?
Q 6 What is the use of their snout-whiskers?
1--- Yes, but they are nearly blind.
2---They use echolocation to navigate and catch fish. They can listen for surface-swimming
fish and sense electrical signals emitted by bottom-dwelling prey on the riverbed. The small clicks
they produce underwater echo back at them thus they identify prey and obstacles on their path.
3---From 20 km. away
4---They listen for fish movement.
5---At the middle depths they prefer echolocation
6---- With the help of whiskers, they can sense weak electrical signals emitted by
they produce underwater echo back at them thus they identify prey and obstacles on their path.
3---From 20 km. away
4---They listen for fish movement.
5---At the middle depths they prefer echolocation
6---- With the help of whiskers, they can sense weak electrical signals emitted by
bottom-dwelling fish and shrimp, especially in calves.
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