
Showing posts from May, 2018

{ 65 } Problem is not actually a problem- A short speech

"No incident or situation is a problem by itself; it becomes a problem because we are viewing it through the filters of our limiting beliefs."                  Have you ever noticed that the same incident causes entirely different thoughts in different people? this is because they are projecting or superimposing their own mental baggage on the screen, then watching the scene through their own mental filters. The nature of the world is neither pleasant nor unpleasant. It is how you relate to it from your past conditioning. External situations are not the cause but rather a reflection of what you hold within. Ask yourself the right questions; the questions that can lead you from the obvious to the deeper transcendental truth. Such inquiry can break through illusions that appear in various circumstances so that you can smile without getting deluded. =================================================

{ 64 } Folk artiste Basanti Bisht -Padma Shri Awardee

  All of us know about famous male and female singers like Sonu Nigam, Arijit Singh, Himesh Reshmia, Lata Ji, and Shreya Gaushala, the list is long. But very few know about seasoned folk artiste Basanti Bisht who has won the Padma Shri in 2017 for nurturing folk music in Uttrakhand. Her music was recorded in Delhi to sing for IGNCA"s monthly folk music concert, "Sanjari." Even the Madhya Pradesh Govt. honored her with "Ahilya Devi Samman."                            Born in 1953 in a tiny village in Uttrakhand"s Chamoli district, married at the age of 12 to an artillery soldier, and a housewife for a large part of her life, this amazing lady has the knowledge of " Laya", "sthayi" and "Antara". Since her village was on the border, she was also exposed to Kumaoni and Garwali music. She traveled all around the region, collecting music from the higher regions, and writing them down to preserve them.   ...

{ 63 } Nothing is Impossible- A short speech

"If your heart believes, nothing is impossible."          " The Impossible" word is a by-product of doubt and fear. The possibility of Impossibility increases when we start believing that all that was settled will be unsettled,  all that was established will be de-established and all that that you were feeling secure in is no longer secure. In fact, our mind is incapable of belief, and it is our heart that responds to our doubts. We get stuck, and can not move because each movement brings fear that there will be great turmoil, a chaos. When the depth speaks to the surface, there is bound to be trepidation. There is a longing to defend oneself, to protect oneself, to be secure. How can a person be brave when doubt arises out of fear?                               Heartfelt belief requires courage, if you want to be successful, you have to be ready to sail your boat, and you have to ...

{ 62 } रक्त - दान है, जीवन-दान -14th June , Video views till date: 258

न  यह वक्त किसी के अधीन है न रक्त ही  अधीन है  कब , कहां, क्या  हो जाए  वक्त  करवट   बदल जाए कब  धार  रक्त यह  बन जाए आज जरूरत किसी और को हो कब हमें ज़रूरत पड़  जाए ii रक्त-वक्त का बहना-रिसना सब कर्मों का खेल है विपदा में काम आ  जाए यह किस्मत का मेल  है सात्विक कर्म किया हुआ मुश्किल-घड़ी काम आता है ज़िन्दगी दी हो कभी किसी को वही बचाने आता है ii रक्त तो  आसक्ति है शक्ति है ,विरक्ति  है हृदय की धड़कन है साँसों की गति  है - यही गति -  अवरोधक है यह  रक्त है  !  क्या भरोसा इसका है पल-पल  दिशा-स्वभाव  बदलता है कभी सिरिंज में भर जाता कभी बह निकलता सड़क पर है कभी जख्मों में फूट निकलता कभी  कैद शिराओं  में  होता है  व्यर्थ प्रवाहित होता तो  नाले  में जा गिरता है दो बूँद बचा ले गर कभी किसी ज़िन्दगी को गंग- धार यह   बन   जाता है i व्यर्थ बहाव इसका चहूँ ओर  दुर्गन्ध फैल...

{61} Variety is the spice of strife .

"He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest."- Dylan Thomas                          Can we eat a dish daily? Do we like to see our wardrobe full of old-fashioned stock? Do various places, sights of nature, and activities attract everyone to keep them engaged? Ask people, what they like, and what not, and the mixed response we will find. This is called variety. Some praise, some criticize, Some say "yes," and some say "no", it's a variety of thinking, variety of liking, variety of tastes.           Variation is in fact, the characteristic of human beings. A child feels boredom when he daily goes to school, a homemaker feels her routine tedious, and an office-goer man gets tired of his day-to-day duty. A retired person seems to say that past days, duties, to dress up for office was quite interesting. a lady when looking at her wardrobe, feels to donate her old-fashioned outfits ...

{ 60 } World Musical Instruments Day- 22nd May

1                                                                                                                         3                                                                            2                                                                        4             ...

{ 59 } G.K

Q1=   Who has written a book titled Aadhaar: A Biometric History of India's 12-digit Revolution? Ans-   Shankkar Aiyar Q2=   An Industrialist obtained his first pilot license on Feb 10,1929 in India. Who is that? Ans-  JRD Tata Q3=    Which is the fourth longest railway tunnel in Asia? Ans-    It is constructed through the Pir Panjal mountain range. It is 11.2 km. long. Q4=     Which is the famous biggest fall in Courtallam in Tamilnadu? Ans-     Peraruvi which is 60 meters high. Q5=      In 1990 making the pair, the first father and son climbed Mount Everest. Who are they? Ans-     Peter Hillary and Sir Edmund Q6=      When was the first actual computer " bug " identified? Ans-      In 1947. It was stuck in a Harvard Mark II computer. Q7=      When was the Taj Mahal designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site? Ans-...

{58 } The Parliament

  Q1:  What do you understand by Parliament?                                                                                       Ans- T he group of people who are elected to make and change the laws of a country                                                                                                                    Q2:      When was the first session of the upper house of the Parliament of India held?          ...

{ 57 } Silence is Golden- a short speech

"A  meaningful silence is better than meaningless words."         Three things, a man can never control- anger, emotions, and temptation. As humans, we are bound to make mistakes. When words cross the line of self-respect, they worsen the situation.      To  save oneself from the repulsive effects of the unscrupulous use of words, it is better to learn to exercise control over what one says.          Words are bullets, they could hit hard. They can cause pain and hurt to the listener which may be irreversible. An injury on a tongue heals the quickest but an injury caused by by a tongue takes the longest time to heal. Words of love and compassion on the other hand soothe and comfort a person. Psychologists' research says  that the higher the pitch of the speech, the more negative its impact on the neural system. Lots of energy that can be productively utilized is wasted in unnecessary speech. Imagine the vibrat...

{ 56 } Contentment- A short speech

"The secret of contentment is the realization that life is a gift, not a right."                                 Look at the underground river whose course just cannot be daunted. On the surface, people stamp, and pull the ground cracks or left derelict, but underneath, the river keeps on flowing. At  some point it is only a trickle in the darkness. Water on the ground level is always at risk of pollution or  being dried up, used, drunk, and drawn on, but subterranean water is mostly untapped.                            CONTENTMENT is the same. It is like a constant, unseen movement forward. Not oblivious to challenge, but when the landscape of the mind, the surface of life, undergoes some  upheaval, the river responds, changes, and flows in and around, even though still unseen, all in a  contained and ...

{55} माँ की यादें-[ कविता ]

चिड़िया  तेरे आंगन की ,  फर-फर उड़ती  थी मैं  माँ तेरे स्नेह का  तेरे हाथ से  प्यार से चुग्गा    खाती थी  माँ   न समझ पाई उस  प्रेम  की, ऐसी क्या  वजह  थी  माँ आज  ख़ुद खड़ी हूँ जब  अपने आंगन में  ले न पा रही हूँ  वो  जगह मैं माँ माँ तुम भू, भूमि, वसुंधरा तपिश सूर्य की सहती थी  फिर भी आँचल में अपने सबको छाया देती थी  ii ऊँचे-ऊँचे पर्वत, टीले लम्बे कुनबे, बड़े कबीले कैसे बोझ को ढोती थी  उफ़ न करती तुम ज़रा भी सब अपने सर ले लेती थी  ii माँ तुम अविरल झील की धारा  तुम ही झील  किनारा थी   वेग से लहरें उठने पर भी    खुशियाँ सब को देती थी   तुम भू, भूमि, वसुंधरा शीतल जल से  शीतलता सब को देती  थी  ii आ जाएं कितने ही तूफाँ सामना तुम कर लेती थी    वृक्ष टूट कर गिरते तुम पर  आसानी से सह लेती   थी    सचमुच माँ तुम कोई शक्ति थी   कैसे...