{48} A healthy G.K Corner no.1
2: The upper calcium intake level of 2000 to 2500 MG. from supplements or food is considered safe for the heart.
3: Due to high starch content and high glycemic index, the carbohydrates from potatoes turn into twice the glucose of table sugar. Thus potatoes are more dangerous than sugar.
4: Take at least 1000 iu {vitamin D} each day because we do
Health is not valued till sickness comes- Thomas fuller
1: Ghee is packed with fat-soluble vitamins and casein. You need not avoid it completely. A little is actually good for you.2: The upper calcium intake level of 2000 to 2500 MG. from supplements or food is considered safe for the heart.
3: Due to high starch content and high glycemic index, the carbohydrates from potatoes turn into twice the glucose of table sugar. Thus potatoes are more dangerous than sugar.
4: Take at least 1000 iu {vitamin D} each day because we do
not spend much time outside in the sun.
5: Recent studies have shown that aerobic exercise helps you to promote brain health.
6: Apple Cider Vinegar has acetic acid to kill bacteria and prevent them from multiplying. It improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar. It helps with weight loss. It lowers cholesterol and reduces heart disease risk. It can kill even cancer cells.
7: At home, vary your dressing with different kinds of vinegar, like Apple cider, Balsamic, or Sherry, and different oils like avocado, sesame, or grape -seeds.
8: A 180-pound person must walk 1 mile to burn off the calories.
9: Avoid any Olive oil with the labels "pure, "light" or "Blend". Look for a seal on the bottle from The International Council.
10: White rice has a high glycemic index and is implicated in contributing to diabetes. But the 61 of brown rice is only about 10 to 20% less than that of white rice. That's why Chinese people have the world"s largest diabetes epidemic.
11: Eating raw kidney beans, especially red beans could send you to the hospital because it is highly poisonous.
5: Recent studies have shown that aerobic exercise helps you to promote brain health.
6: Apple Cider Vinegar has acetic acid to kill bacteria and prevent them from multiplying. It improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar. It helps with weight loss. It lowers cholesterol and reduces heart disease risk. It can kill even cancer cells.
7: At home, vary your dressing with different kinds of vinegar, like Apple cider, Balsamic, or Sherry, and different oils like avocado, sesame, or grape -seeds.
8: A 180-pound person must walk 1 mile to burn off the calories.
9: Avoid any Olive oil with the labels "pure, "light" or "Blend". Look for a seal on the bottle from The International Council.
10: White rice has a high glycemic index and is implicated in contributing to diabetes. But the 61 of brown rice is only about 10 to 20% less than that of white rice. That's why Chinese people have the world"s largest diabetes epidemic.
11: Eating raw kidney beans, especially red beans could send you to the hospital because it is highly poisonous.
12. Studies reveal that our skin sheds 30,000 to 40.000 skin
cells every day. Most of this is said to be in the form of tiny
flakes, like dust. Our skin is food for various microorganisms
like fungi, bacteria, and worms. Not shedding skin would invite
a host of infections. What is interesting is that the skin
rejuvenates as quickly as it deteriorates. Regular exfoliation
can help get rid of old skin cells to make room for a fresh layer. It is also said that the oil { comprising squalene } in the shed skin
cells can react with harmful ozone, so the skin dust can
actually improve air quality.
13. An apple has carbohydrate, fiber, vitamin C, and
mineral content. So munch on it instead of having a cup
of coffee.
14. Consuming grapes can protect against ultraviolet skin damage. Natural components found in grapes known as polyphenols
are thought to be responsible for these beneficial effects.
Foody G.K.=239, 236
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