{ 46 } April 1, is not a Fool"s Day

1:    April 1, is the birthday of French gastronome Jean Brillat-Savarin, who is famous for his book           "Physiologie du gout, a witty meditation on food. To commemorate his birthday an International           Book Festival is held What is that?

2:    On April 1,1935, an entity began with 100 shares owned by private shareholders and was
        later nationalized. Former P.M. Manmohan  Singh is the only person to have led this institution. what is that?

3:    This free advertising-supported service was launched on April 1, 2004. what is that?

4:    On April 1,1778, Oliver Pollock, a New Orleans businessman, created this symbol. What was 

5:   On April 1, 1973, a project was launched by the then P.M., Indira Gandhi to save an 
       endangered animal from illegal hunting. What was that? 

6:   On April 1, 1946, the country became a separate Crown Colony and in 1959 became 
       self-governing. Which country is this?    

         1-Edible Book Festival
         2-The Reserve Bank of India.
         4-The dollar sign $
         5-Project Tiger


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