
Showing posts from February, 2020

140. दुनिया बनाने वाले ! क्या ख़ूब कहते हो [कविता ]

Image  दुनिया बनाने वाले ! वाह ,  क्या खूब  कहते हो-                मिथ्या  यह    संसार   है  मानव !                 दुखों     का    भंडार  ये  मानव                  मोह क्या करना इसका  '  मानव !'                 छोड़ो जी  के  जंजाल को मानव                            क्यूँ रोते हो दुःख में तुम                 क्यूँ हंसते हो सुख में  तुम                   क्या लाए थे ?                जिसको अपना   कहते हो  तुम ?                 क्या...

139. English Game 17 [ Vocabulary out of book ]

Anagram=is a word or phrase that is made by arranging the letters of another word or phrase in a different order. Homonym=is a word that is spelt and pronounced like another word but has  a different meaning. like left [ side] left [to leave] 2 wound [injury] wound [ to wrap around ] means-same word, same spelling but meaning is different. Synonym=is a word or phrase that has the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language. Homophone= is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning. 1 cell [prison] sell  2 break , brake 1. What building has the most stories? 2. Finish files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years. Count the number of times that the letter F appears in this sentence. 3. What weapon is also a peacemaker ?  [ Think homonyms.] 4. The golfer has yelled out------, -------- times today. [fill in homonym] 5. They began to-----scones, and drink...