1: What is "Beating Retreat Ceremony" ? Ans----------- 1: Beating Retreat is a military ceremony dating to 16th century England and was first used to recall nearby patrolling units to their castle. 2: Who developed it in India for the first time ? Ans-Major Robert developed this ceremony by massed bands for the first time in India. 3: What does this military tradition mean ? Ans- This tradition means: the troops cease fighting, sheath their arms and withdraw from battlefield and return to the camps at sunset at the sounding of retreat. 4: Where is this ceremony held every year ? Ans- It is held at the national capital in Vijay Chawk at Rajpath. 5: On which date, this ceremony is conducted ? Ans- On 29th Jan, the third day after the Republic Day. 6: What does this ceremony officially denote ? Ans- The end of Republic Day Festivities. 7: Who remains the chief guest of this ceremony ? Ans-The President 8: How did it become official ceremony to ha...