
Showing posts from January, 2018


1: What is "Beating Retreat Ceremony" ? Ans----------- 1: Beating Retreat  is a military ceremony dating to 16th century England and was first used to recall nearby patrolling units to their castle. 2: Who developed it in India for the first time ? Ans-Major Robert developed this ceremony by massed bands for the first time in India. 3: What does this military tradition mean ? Ans- This tradition means: the troops cease fighting, sheath their arms and withdraw from battlefield and return to the camps at sunset at the sounding of retreat. 4: Where is this ceremony held every year ? Ans- It is held at the national capital in Vijay Chawk at Rajpath. 5: On which date, this ceremony is conducted ? Ans- On 29th Jan, the third day after the Republic Day. 6: What does this ceremony officially denote ? Ans- The end of Republic Day Festivities. 7: Who remains the chief guest of this ceremony ? Ans-The President 8: How did it become official ceremony to ha...

{31} चर्चा अहमियत की [ कविता ]

बोर्डर पर तैनात हुआ, हररोज़ जवान है मर रहा  बूँद-बूँद से घड़ा है भरता,बूँद से ही खाली हो रहा i  चलता रहा इसी तरह तो कम हो जाएगी भारत की सेना  बदले की आग़ कभी कम न होगी, यूँ ही झुलस जाएगी सेना ii कितना गम्भीर विषय है यह,सब हल्के में ले लेते हैं  " उनका काम तो मरना है" बेतुका बयान दे देते हैं i    शहीद होते जवान हमारे, " मुंह तोड़ जवाब देते  हैं i" ---- मीडिया वाले हर चैनल पर शान से "यह" बताते हैं i  चार नेताओं को इकट्ठा करके,फिर चुटकी लेना होता है जारी    कौन गया है मन्दिर - मस्ज़िद, कौन है उनमें जनेऊ धारी  पहना किसने कुरता पायजामा, कौन भारतीय भगवा धारी  ऐसा लगता है, एक मुहल्ले में इकट्ठी हो गई हों महिलाएं  सारी ii गम्भीर विषय पर दूरदर्शन में,जाने चर्चा क्यूँ नहीं होती है    बुलेट-प्रूफ जाकेट जवानों के हेतु क्यूँ नहीं उपलब्ध होती है i बेरोज़गार घूम रहा देश का युवक, उस पर चर्चा क्यूंं नहीं होती? परी क्ष।ओंं  के परिण।म    हो  रहे देर से    घोषित, उस पर...

{3o} Two Architects of Indian Constitution

1: What is the constitution of India? Ans-1: The supreme law, It's a framework for good governance based on law and jurisprudence. 2: The date on which, it was adopted? Ans- Nov.26,1949 3:  When did it come into force.? Ans- Jan 26,1950 4: Why was the date 26 Jan. chosen for Republic Day.? Ans-To commemorate the Purna Swaraj Declaration of Independence of 1930. 5: Name the artists who beautified the original constitution.? Ans- Beohar Rammanohar Sinha and Nandlal Bose 6: Who did the calligraphy in the book.? Ans- Prem Bihari Narain Raizada 7: Who was the forgotten architect of our constitution.? Ans-  Benegal Narsing Rau was the  Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly who prepared a rough draft of the Constitution for the consideration of the Drafting Committee.  He was an Indian civil servant, jurist, diplomat and statesman. He was also India's representative to the United Nations Security Council from 1950 to 1952. ...


Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30th jan,1948 As if , was eclipsed our country"s fate " Ahinsa Parmo Dharmo"that  the whole world praised Was left written on this date. Gandhiji was assassinated people cried He left us forever people sighed. From his body Four bullets were recovered  It was notified  After by the doctors It was clarified. One for his non-violence One for his tolerance One for his patience Last was probably for  His everlasting silence. The killer was Godse, people say "Anger begets violence", must I say. It was not Gandhi,who was killed Was his ideology of non-violence  that was stilled. The day has come to revive his guidance When all over India,is spreading the violence Let us observe two minutes silence  Recall his ideology  And take its cognizance. 


Makar  Sankranti is the first of the major festivals of the calendar. This is one of the few  ancient festivals that is based  on the SOLAR CYCLE. The earth revolves around the sun with  a tilt of 23.45 degrees. January 14 marks the beginning of Uttarayan-the sun"s six-month Northward  journey from the equator. People get up early in the morning, have an oil-bath and  light lamps. A mixture of till, groundnuts, fried gram, jaggery, and pieces of dry coconut, along  with sugarcane, banana and sugar blocks are offered to the deity and later distributed among  family members.                                     Since Sankranti is harvest festival, so various aspects of nature are  exhibited with rangolis on the floor to offer thanksgivings   for the year"s harvest.   A fresh  harvest  of groundnuts, flat be...