109 Bipin Chandra Pal,7th Nov { 1858-1932}

.1 Who was Bipin Chandra Pal?
Ans-Bipin Chandra Pal was one-third of the Lal Bal Pal triumvirate. He was one of the main architects of the Swadeshi movement. He stood against the partition of Bengal by the colonial British government.

Q.2 When was he born?
Ans-He was born on 7th November1858 at Habiganj, Sylhet
 district of present-day Bangladesh.

Q.3 He is best known as--------?
Ans-  Father of Revolutionary Thoughts.
         Sri Aurobindo referred to him as one of the mightiest prophets of nationalism.

Q.4 What was his profession?
Ans- He was an Indian journalist.

Q.5 His son was the founder of Bombay Talkies. what was his name?
Ans- -Niranjan Pal

Q.6 In which session of the Indian National Congress, he made a strong peal for repeal of the Arms Act?
Ans-At Madras session,1887

Q.7 Which are the newspapers, he worked for?
Ans-Bengal Public Opinion, 
        New India, 
        The Tribune
Q.8 In which movements, did he participate?
Ans-He participated in-
{1} Bombay session of Indian National Congress,1904
 {2} Partition of Bengal 1905 
{3}Swadeshi Movement, Non-co-operation Movement 
{4} Bengal pact 1923

Q.9- Why he had to spend 6 years in jail?
Ans-It is because he refused to give evidence against Aurobindo Ghosh in the Bande Mataram Sedition case.

Q.10 His prominent books were------
Ans-1]Swaraj and the Present Situation 
        2] The Basis of Social Reform
        3] The Soul of India
        4] The New Spirit and Studies in Hinduism

Q.11 His journals and news-papers were-
Ans-The Democrat, 
        The Independent, Paridarsak-Bengali Weekly.
         New India-English Weekly, 
          Bande Mataram and Swaraj



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